Tina Trimble

VP, Donor Services 


Tina Trimble, has 30 + years of tissue banking industry experience and joined Tissue Regenix as VP, Donor Services for CellRight Technologies in March 2019. Tina has worked with other tissue banks in leadership roles such as Community Tissue Services, Regeneration Technologies, Tutogen Medical and most recent Bone Bank Allografts.

Tina is a Certified Tissue Bank Specialist, and currently serves on the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) Exam Committee, American Board of Accredited Tissue Banks, Birth Tissue Council and most recently served on the AATB board of Governors 2018-2020 and Chair of the Processing & Distribution Council. Prior to that Tina served on the AATB Accreditation Committee, VC Processing & Distribution Council, Education and Program committees and is currently a member of AORN and ASQ.